Living Estate Auction Sunday January 19th at 2pm Preview & Pre-Registration - Noon til Sale Time 877 Wellington Lane Wichita Falls, TX 76305 Estate of James Kelley
Listing: Ruger SR9 9mm Handgun, High Point SK-100 22cal Handgun, Sig Sauer 22 auto, Heritage 22cal Revolver, Mixed Ammo, Gun Leather, Knives, Delta Radial Arm Saw, Craftsman Table Saw, Craftsman Band Saw, 5 Speed Drill Press, Air Compressors and Hoses, Lincoln 220v Welder, Kerosene Portable Heaters, Onan Generator, Torro Zero Turn Mower, Nail Guns, Routers, Mitre Saws, Scroll Saws, 6 in. Bench Grinder, Weedeaters, Mowers, Chain Saw, Water Pump, Belt Sanders, Ladders, Levels, Misc. Hand Tools, RC Airplanes, Full Set of Fitch and Floyd China, 6 Chair Dinette with China Cabinet, Roll Top Desk, Medical Scooter, Kenmoore Washer, Frigadaire Dryer, Whirlpool Side by Side Refrigerator, 2 Bedroom Suites, Misc Household... This is going to be a short sale If the weather is bad it will be held inside.